Grimsby and Cleethorpes Scouts take to airwaves to make friends, share ideas and learn new skills
Grimsby Telegraph – Grimsby and Cleethorpes Scouts took to the airwaves at Queen Mary Avenue Infants’ School this weekend to talk to their peers all over the world in the annual Jamboree On The Air (JOTA).
Sweden 160m frequency gap closed
IARU Region 1 News – Swedish amateurs are now allowed to use the full band 1850-2000 kHz with secondary status
Previous General Manager – update
RSGB – It has been a while since we have reported on the matter of recovering the debt owed to the Society by the previous General Manager [LINK TO OLD SITE]
Powerful flare from sunspot effects radio signals
Spaceweather.com – Radiation from the flare sent a wave of ionization rippling through Earth’s upper atmosphere
Amazing pictures of CubeSat deployment
Daily Mail – These incredible pictures show how astronauts released the latest tranche of cubesats into orbit around the Earth
434.301 MHz PICO balloon reaches Sweden
AMSAT-UK – PICO, a single foil balloon was launched by James Coxon, M6JCX on Saturday, 20 October 20 and during its 19 hour flight crossed the North Sea, landing somewhere in central Sweden