Tonight @ 8 – archive main list by year
4 July 2022 – Radio waves and antennas…and all that by Peter Duffett-Smith, GM3XJE
Peter’s presentation This presentation covers a range of antenna-related information so there should be something for everyone: What makes a radio wave? Some mysterious properties of radio waves which you might not have appreciated. How do you launch radio waves? Antennas. Radiation resistance. Radiation patterns. Antenna gain. Transmitting and receiving. Getting power into, and from, […]
6 June 2022 – The story of Jodrell Bank by Prof Ian Morison, G0DMU
Ian’s presentation Professor Ian Morison, G0DMU will give a review of the history of Jodrell Bank, one of the world’s premier radio astronomy observatories; from its founding in 1945, the completion of the Mk I (now Lovell) radio telescope in 1957 – still the third largest fully steerable telescope in the world – and the […]
9 May 2022 – Contesting: pushing the boundaries! by Mark Haynes, M0DXR
Mark’s presentation Mark will talk about the very exciting world of contesting, also known as radio sport. He will explain how this aspect of amateur radio can be not only a good test for your station but also a great way to make lots of QSOs with many countries in a short period of time. […]
4 April 2022 – Breaking the big story – when amateur radio was the only way by Laurie Margolis, G3UML
Laurie’s presentation BBC journalist and long-time RSGB member Laurie Margolis broke the fact of the invasion of the Falklands through amateur radio. Here’s how… He will also cover his involvement in the 1970 King Hussein story. In this 40th anniversary year since the Falklands War, we are delighted to have this presentation from Laurie. About […]
7 March 2022 – The bluffer’s guide to digital voice by Tim Kirby, GW4VXE
Tim’s presentation Tim provides a quick overview of the most common digital modes (D-STAR, DMR and Fusion) as well as some of the less common modes, and explains how you might use them. Which mode is the best? Tim will look at code-plugs and hotspots and try and demystify some of the jargon for you. […]
7 February 2022 – The Russian Woodpecker over the horizon radar – a blast from the past by Keith Snyder, KI6BDR
Keith’s presentation Hidden deep in a serene forest yet taller than the clouds, standing in surreal beauty is an antenna array like none other on earth, having an aperture area greater than 15 U.S. football fields. One of the great wonders of the world – a top secret Soviet radar, so secret that even the […]