RSSTonight @ 8 – archive main list by year

6 December 2021 – Using the Pluto and RPi4 for Amateur TV and Narrowband use by Noel Matthews, G8GTZ

| December 6, 2021

? Noel’s presentation Following on from his talk Advances in Amateur Television at the RSGB 2016 convention, Noel Matthews, G8GTZ presents the latest developments in the ever-evolving world of amateur TV. Noel gives an overview of ATV activity in the UK and in particular how the use of reduced bandwidth (RBTV) signals enabled ATV QSOs […]

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1 November 2021 – BITX to SBITX: the journey and development of this exciting range of transceivers by Ashhar Farhan, VU2ESE

| November 1, 2021

Ashhar’s presentation The BITX is a simple to build, yet challenging all-band transceiver kit. Many people, even if they don’t own one, will have heard or read of the impact it has for a radio amateur to be able to build a rig at a low cost, with repeatable results, to get on the air. […]

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27 September 2021 – Repeaters: how they are built, planned, commissioned and used by Steve Morton, F4VTF, G8SFR

| September 27, 2021

Steve’s presentation Voice repeaters have been with us in UK for almost 50 years a lot has changed in that time. We all are aware of repeaters but how many of us have considered what’s involved in getting one commissioned? In his presentation, Steve will cover a wide variety of information about repeaters, including the […]

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6 September 2021 – An introduction to meteor scatter communications, by Gavin Nesbitt, MM1BXF

| August 27, 2021

Gavin’s presentation Have you ever thought about making more QSOs over a longer range on VHF? This talk will give you the background on how to achieve that through bouncing your signal off meteor trails. During the talk Gavin will show you how and why Meteor Scatter communications work: what software you should use, how […]

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5 July 2021 – Assessing your station against ICNIRP EMF levels, by RSGB EMC Chair John Rogers, M0JAV

| July 5, 2021

John’s presentation Ofcom is implementing changes to all transmitting licences to require licensees to comply with ICNIRP general public limits on EMF exposure. This will include previously licence exempt users who transmit at powers of more than 10W EIRP. John introduces the work of the RSGB and ARRL experts in assessment of exposure to EM […]

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7 June 2021 – The Sherwood Ratings: Transceiver Performance for the HF DX & Contest Operator by Rob Sherwood, NC0B

| May 28, 2021

Rob’s presentation Rob Sherwood’s name has become something of a standard in the radio amateur equipment world as a trusted comparison guide to the technical performance of a wide range of transceivers. This presentation will explain the process that Sherwood Engineering go through to produce detailed performance figures for a wide range of transceivers. Rob […]

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