Spectrum Forum Papers and Consultations
2013-PSSR: 2.3 and 3.4 GHz
July 2013: 2.3 / 3.4 GHz Public Sector Spectrum Release (PSSR); Amateur use of 2310-2450 and 3400-3475 MHz Ofcom Consultation RSGB Joint-response
2013: Licence Exemption in 2.4GHz
June-2013: Ofcom consultation regarding Licence Exempt spectrum use in the 2400 MHz band Ofcom Call for Input RSGB Joint reply
WRC Future Agenda Item Proposals
June-2013: RSGB proposals for WRC-18 Future Agenda Items – 1.8, 50 and 3400 MHz Spectrum Harmonisation RSGB: WRC Spectrum Proposals GB2RS: News item Note: 50MHz harmonisation was eventually adopted at WRC-15 for the WRC19 Agenda
24 GHz Automotive Radar
May 2013: Update of the 24GHz Automotive Short Range Radar (SRR) exemption regulations Ofcom Consultation RSGB Joint-reply
2013: WRC-15 Mobile Broadband Spectrum
April-2013: WRC-15 Ofcom Consultation on Agenda Item AI-1.1 on demand and candidate bands for mobile broadband: Ofcom Consultation RSGB Joint Response
Commonwealth Games – Nov 2012
Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games: Radio Spectrum Planning Consultation Ofcom Consultation RSGB Response Footnote – 144 MHz usage RSGB: 144 MHz Notice – July 2014