School Zone stories
Wick High School Radio Club collects time zones

Wick High School Radio Club, which operates as GM0WHS, has started the new school term with great success. The group recently organised a “collecting time zones” event, that was inspired by a similar activity created by John Hislop, G7OHO. Lucy, MM7FUV lead the radio club in making their QSOs, which took place over the course […]
Wick High School Radio Club, GM0WHS – fourth student passes Foundation licence exam

Another student at Wick High School Radio Club, GM0WHS has passed their Foundation Licence exam. Lucy, call sign TBC, took her exam on 27 March 2024 and is the fourth student from the school to have passed their Foundation exam. Teacher Chris Aitken, MM0WIC has said that the club is ready to start a new […]
St Peter-in-Thanet CE Junior School
In October 2023 pupils from St Peter-in-Thanet CE Junior School in Broadstairs had an ARISS-UK contact with NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli, KI5WSL on board the International Space Station. It seems their fascination for the cosmos continues to grow. On 28 November 2023, a group of more than a hundred people, including both students and their […]
Ireleth St Peters CofE Primary School

Thanks to Chris Leviston, M0KPW, ten children at Ireleth St Peters (ISP) CofE Primary School in Cumbria have achieved their Radio Surfer Awards. Chris recently started an after-school club at ISP, and over the five weeks that it ran, the children enjoyed a range of amateur radio activities, leading to them each being presented with […]
Mallaig High School

Not content with solely being for the school’s students, Mallaig High School ARC, has built on recent success by extending its reach to local residents, so everyone can experience the wonder of radio! Local Mallaig resident and long-standing SWL Alistair MacKellaig was thrilled to pass his Foundation Exam with flying colours. He now holds the […]
Ormiston Horizon Academy

The amateur radio club (M0OHA) at Ormiston Horizon Academy has been running for over five years. Current members in Year 8 and 9 have been working towards taking their Foundation licence exam in July 2023. Here they are getting to grips with block diagrams!