RadCom Basics – HTML5 format
RadCom Basics, November 2023, Edition 37

How to get started in SOTA Fraser Wenseth, MM0EFI provides a beginner’s introduction to Summits on the Air (SOTA) and provides very useful guidance on SOTA radio equipment choices such as antennas, mobile and shack software, plus an important look at how to operate safely In this edition… 4 How to get started in SOTA […]
RadCom Basics, September 2023, Edition 36

Programming your handheld using CHIRP A very useful guide by James, M0JCQ providing step-by-step first-time instructions on how to install CHIRP, setting up repeaters and advice on choosing aspects such as programming cables In this edition… 4 Using a PC in your shack Lee, G4EJB explains how he installed a PC in his external shack, […]
RadCom Basics, July 2023, Edition 35

A visit to the National Radio Centre: Part 1 A visit that I shall always remember and for all the right reasons; I sincerely hope that my trip to Bletchley Park inspires you to go and see how our hobby is so well promoted at such an important historical location In this edition… 4 Stories […]
RadCom Basics, May 2023, Edition 34

Using FT8 and the Reverse Beacons to gauge HF propagation James Stevens, M0JCQ has put together a step-by-step guide to help you use the Reverse Beacon Network to gauge band conditions and his results speak for themselves—have a go yourself! In this edition… 12 Repairing circuit board tracks – Part 1 Here are a couple […]
RadCom Basics, March 2023, Edition 33

Introduction to Andy’s Ham Radio Linux Tony Molloy, M6CIH finds another great source of amateur radio applications and provides step-by-step guidance and plenty of links In this edition… 4 Overseas operating with your licence Using his personal experience, James Stevens, M0JCQ provides a guide on how to use your license to operate in other countries—sometimes […]
RadCom Basics, January 2023, Edition 32

What the RSGB Convention does for the hobby James Stevens, M0JCQ gives an insight into the RSGB Convention and how it benefits us all. Maybe it’ll encourage you to attend this year. In this edition… 4 Introduction to HamPi Yet again Tony Molloy, M6CIH describes a great source of amateur radio applications for the Raspberry […]