
RadCom November 2023, Vol. 99, No. 11

| October 11, 2023
RadCom November 2023, Vol. 99, No. 11

RSGB Legacy Fund project success To read this edition, tap or click cover image Regulars Antennas, Tim Hier, G5TM 18 ATV, Dave Crump, G8GKQ 26 Contest Calendar, Ian Pawson, G0FCT 43 Contesting, Chris Tran, GM3WOJ 68 GHz bands, Dr John Worsnop, G4BAO 64 HF, John Petters, G3YPZ 60 Members’ ads 86 Propagation: Predictions, Gwyn Williams, […]

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RadCom Basics, July 2023, Edition 35

| September 27, 2023
RadCom Basics, July 2023, Edition 35

A visit to the National Radio Centre: Part 1 A visit that I shall always remember and for all the right reasons; I sincerely hope that my trip to Bletchley Park inspires you to go and see how our hobby is so well promoted at such an important historical location In this edition… 4 Stories […]

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RadCom October 2023, Vol. 99, No. 10

| September 13, 2023
RadCom October 2023, Vol. 99, No. 10

RSGB Handbook of Radio Communication – the biggest update in years! To read this edition, tap or click cover image News and reports Around Your Region – Club events calendar 76 Around Your Region – Events roundup 80 Geochron Members’ Offer 39 New products 15 News 12 RSGB Convention 64 RSGB half-year finance report 11 […]

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Radio Today Guide to the Yaesu FT-710

| August 30, 2023
Radio Today Guide to the Yaesu FT-710

By Andrew Barron, ZL3DW This book from the well-known author Andrew Barron is another in his Radio Today series that brings you the practical guide to getting the most out the most highly rated transceivers. Covering in detail the Yaesu FT-710 this 100W radio which utilizes the latest advanced digital RF technology. The FT-710 replaces […]

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RadCom September 2023, Vol. 99, No. 9

| August 18, 2023
RadCom September 2023, Vol. 99, No. 9

Icom IC-905 review To read this edition, tap or click cover image News and reports Around Your Region – Club events calendar 76 Around Your Region – Events roundup 80 Beyond Exams update, Mark Burrow, 2E0SBM 51 Chelmsford Science and Engineering Society Do and Discover event, David De La Haye, M0MBD 75 New products 15 […]

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RadCom Basics, May 2023, Edition 34

| July 27, 2023
RadCom Basics, May 2023, Edition 34

Using FT8 and the Reverse Beacons to gauge HF propagation James Stevens, M0JCQ has put together a step-by-step guide to help you use the Reverse Beacon Network to gauge band conditions and his results speak for themselves—have a go yourself! In this edition… 12 Repairing circuit board tracks – Part 1 Here are a couple […]

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