
RadCom August 2016, Vol. 92, No. 8

| July 25, 2016
RadCom August 2016, Vol. 92, No. 8

THIS EDITION IS TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE ONLINE We apologise for any disappointment This edition is currently being converted to our HTML5 online viewer, which will bring enhanced readability, download speed and picture quality Pete Hart, G3SJX examines the first mainstream Japanese transceiver to adopt full direct-digital sampling SDR technology while retaining traditional knobs and dials—the revolutionary […]

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RadCom July 2016, Vol. 92, No. 7

| June 20, 2016
RadCom July 2016, Vol. 92, No. 7

THIS EDITION IS TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE ONLINE We apologise for any disappointment This edition is currently being converted to our HTML5 online viewer, which will bring enhanced readability, download speed and picture quality The final UK schools contact with the ISS. One of the key objectives of Tim Peake’s mission was to inspire students to take […]

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RadCom Basics April-May 2016, No. 6

| June 1, 2016
RadCom Basics April-May 2016, No. 6

Receiving transmissions from the ISS Making the most of a fantastic opportunity Making coaxial trap antennas: part two Use your traps to create a multiband dipole Getting your first HF award with International Marconi Day It is all good fun and a good opportunity for you to gain a very attractive certificate Working the world […]

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RadCom June 2016, Vol. 92, No. 6

| May 23, 2016
RadCom June 2016, Vol. 92, No. 6

THIS EDITION IS TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE ONLINE We apologise for any disappointment This edition is currently being converted to our HTML5 online viewer, which will bring enhanced readability, download speed and picture quality I am delighted to be your President and look forward to the next two years. So let’s get positive—amateur radio is facing challenges, […]

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Am I a Dinosaur? – May 2016

| April 26, 2016

Geoff Stainton, G1MQQ Maybe you are, but the dinosaurs ruled the earth for a lot longer than we humans! Surely, what makes amateur radio unique is its autonomy. Once our communications rely on the availability of an internet connection provided by a third party ISP, or even a repeater whose operation or otherwise is outside […]

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RadCom May 2016, Vol. 92, No. 5

| April 25, 2016
RadCom May 2016, Vol. 92, No. 5

THIS EDITION IS TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE ONLINE We apologise for any disappointment This edition is currently being converted to our HTML5 online viewer, which will bring enhanced readability, download speed and picture quality When this reaches you, the transition between Presidents will be just a few days away and the process of handing over from the […]

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