RadCom January 2025, Vol. 101, No. 1
Raspberry Pi Pico W: web page control and monitoring for a fiver To read this edition, tap or click cover image Regulars Advertisers’ index 85 Airband News, David Smith 45 Antennas, Steve Ireland, VK6VZ/G3ZZD and Kevin Smith, VK6LW/VK6T/ex-G4EHF 18 ATV, Dave Crump, G8GKQ 16 Contest Calendar, Ian Pawson, G0FCT 73 Contesting, Rich Brokenshaw, M5RIC 54 […]
RadCom Basics, September 2024, Edition 42
Home construction methods: Part 1 Great tips and advice on how to approach kit building and tips on how to master soldering In this edition… 4 An off-centre fed vertical for the 10m band How to use a 9:1 UNUN for making a mono-band vertical for the 10m band, as an off-centre fed antenna 10 […]
RadCom December 2024, Vol. 100, No. 12
Season’s greetings from the RSGB To read this edition, tap or click cover image Regulars Advertisers’ index 85 Antennas, Steve Ireland, VK6VZ/G3ZZD and Kevin Smith, VK6LW/VK6T/G4EHF 18 Contest Calendar, Ian Pawson, G0FCT 23 Contesting, Nick Totterdell, G4FAL 54 Data, Andy Talbot, G4JNT 45 GHz bands, Dr John Worsnop, G4BAO 60 HF, John Petters, G3YPZ 56 […]
RadCom November 2024, Vol. 100, No. 11
Xiegu X6200 review To read this edition, tap or click cover image Regulars Advertisers’ index 85 Antennas, Steve Ireland, VK6VZ/G3ZZD and Kevin Smith, VK6LW/VK6T/G4EHF 18 ATV, Dave Crump, G8GKQ 16 Contest Calendar, Ian Pawson, G0FCT 40 Contesting, Nick Totterdell, G4FAL 60 GHz bands, Dr John Worsnop, G4BAO 58 HF, John Petters, G3YPZ 56 Members’ ads […]
RSGB Callseeker 2025
With over 103,000 UK callsigns and far more are included from across Europe the Callseeker Plus 2025 is far more that an electronic version of the RSGB Yearbook 2025. Callseeker Plus is simple to use and takes up no computer hard disc space as it runs straight from the CD or memory stick. You can […]
RSGB Yearbook 2025
The RSGB Yearbook 2025 is our BIGGEST ever with 640 pages of the latest callsign information and much more This new edition of the RSGB Yearbook contains details of the over 103,000 callsigns on issue in the UK and Northern Ireland. With thousands of changes and updates included, this is the very latest information available. […]