
Celebrating a 96th birthday in a special way

| April 24, 2020

Peter Valentine, a 96-year-old radio amateur from Eastbourne, is celebrating his birthday by aiming to contact 96 amateurs over the airwaves and walk 96 miles over the coming weeks. As a thanks to the NHS which has given him good care recently, he is using the special call sign GB0EDH to represent Eastbourne District General […]

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Colchester Radio Amateurs

| April 17, 2020

Colchester Radio Amateurs have doubled their nets since the start of lockdown. See their website for details if you wish to join.

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Denby Dale ARC

| April 16, 2020

When the Denby Dale amateur radio club was faced with having to cancel our regular meetings our immediate response was to organise a club net on 2m. This was well attended. I proposed that we should try to organise meetings online (as well as our regular radio nets) so that we could invite speakers to […]

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Spalding DARS

| April 16, 2020

The decision to temporarily suspended actual meetings made us evaluate how we stay in touch with the membership during a period of lockdown and social distancing. Our club meets every week and it is important and morally right that we consider not only each other’s safety, but also their mental wellbeing. To this end we […]

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Two technical videos added to RSGB website

| April 15, 2020

We’ve just added two new videos to the technical pages of our website, focusing on amateur television and microwave operations. They are a very basic introduction which, seen in conjunction with the explanatory information on the web pages, should give people an overview of these topics. They have also been added to a new ‘Technical […]

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Lockdown Morse

| April 14, 2020

Fancy learning something new while you are at home? From 13 April Matt, M0PTO will be uploading videos to YouTube for a new course called Lockdown Morse. He has also created a Facebook page for the course.

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