GOTA2C: Online
BBC News: John Emery, 2E0HWE discovered amateur radio during lockdown

Amateur radio was the lead item in a BBC News article on what made people happy during the pandemic. John Emery, 2E0HWE was pictured in front of his radio, microphone in hand, describing how he had made new friends thanks to amateur radio. You can read the full article on BBC news online.Â
Yachting monthly
In Yachting monthly magazine, Barry Pickthall considers the best options for communications at sea and looks back at how amateur radio has been an important method of communication in round-the-world races.
Terry Robinson, GM3WUX
Terry Robinson, GM3WUX recently recorded a podcast with Forth Valley Sensory Centre. He talks about his love of amateur radio, how being blind hasn’t prevented him getting fully involved and how CW has become his main mode of communication on the bands.
ICQ Podcast chat with RSGB President Stewart Bryant, G3YSX
The latest ICQ Podcast (episode 351) includes a discussion with RSGB President Stewart Bryant, G3YSX. Stewart talks about the recent RSGB/IARU amateur radio survey and also more generally about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to amateur radio in the UK. The interview begins at 51:43
RSGB update interview on ICQ Podcast
The latest episode of ICQ Podcast features an in-depth interview with three senior RSGB representatives: Board Director John Rogers, M0JAV; ESC Chair Tony Kent, G8PBH; and GM Steve Thomas, M1ACB. Listen to an explanation about the new EMF licence regulations, an update on exams, an overview of the RSGB highlights of last year and a […]
NHS lauds ‘Get on the air to care’
A report about the hugely successful RSGB and NHS ‘Get on the air to care’ campaign has been publicised on the NHS Networks website this week. We have committed to keep ‘Get on the air to care’ running as long as the restrictions exist, in order to support radio amateurs and to share the benefits […]