RSSFront Page News

Board Director Co-option

| May 16, 2023

The RSGB Board has made the following announcement: Under the Article 32 a co-opted Director must retire at the AGM following their co-option. Ian Shepherd, G4EVK had been co-opted prior to the 2023 AGM and so would normally have had to retire from the Board. The Articles provide that “in exceptional circumstances, to fulfil a […]

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RSGB Coronation activities still running

| May 12, 2023

Although the Coronation itself has taken place, our Coronation activities run until the end of June 2023. After the successful Special Special Event Station run by Cray Valley Amateur Radio Society, the GB23C callsign is now open for individual radio amateurs and clubs to use. You can find out how to register via the GB23C […]

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International Women in Engineering Day

| May 12, 2023

We know that amateur radio is a great foundation for STEM careers. With that in mind, why not help us celebrate International Women in Engineering Day this June? We would love to share your stories of women in engineering roles to inspire future generations. If you, or a girl or woman you know, aspire to […]

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Coronation Morse message from RSGB National Radio Centre

| May 6, 2023
Coronation Morse message from RSGB National Radio Centre

The Morse ‘Slip Tape’ perforator and Wheatstone Morse transmitter (as featured in the June issue of RadCom) were put into action at the RSGB’s National Radio Centre to prepare a special message to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. Click on the image above to watch the video

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Coronation activities – get involved!

| May 5, 2023

The RSGB has released some updates about its planned Coronation activities. Firstly, a personalised RSGB Coronation QSL card is now available within the Coronation web pages. You can simply enter your call sign and print it off. Following the recent issue of GB23BAA to BZZ by Ofcom, the Beaconnect activity registration is now open. If […]

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RSGB insurance

| May 5, 2023

RSGB club insurance, and beacon and repeater insurance have now been renewed for the year to April 2024. Club insurance certificates can be downloaded from the RSGB website and you will need to log in to obtain your certificate. Beacon and repeater insurance certificates are available for an admin fee of £12 from the RSGB […]

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