Award Stories
Andrew, 2E1BRT
Andrew has been licenced since 1993 and an RSGB member since 1993. He first became interested in amateur radio as a youngster through his Dad, who bought him an FT690 Mk2 when he gained his licence. That rig gave him the DX’ing bug on 6 metres and he says that he is still a 6-metre […]
Keith, G6NHU
Keith is an amateur who has been there and bought the t-shirt in terms of all the various aspects of the hobby. He has tinkered with the integration of radio and computers since the early days of the Acorn Atom and BBC computer, playing with packet radio nodes. His involvement with digimodes goes back to […]
Austin, M0MNE

Austin, M0MNE has a very appropriate call sign for a mariner (Merchant Navy Engineer)! Austin first became interested in radio through hearing short wave broadcast stations. Even as a young teenager he was exhibiting the experimenter’s curiosity of a radio amateur, stringing up different lengths of wire in the garden to improve reception. Teenage and […]
Sophia (aged six)

Sophia was mentored by her father Chris, M0KPW so that she could complete activities totalling six points to gain the Radio Surfer Award – for which the points total has to be the same as her age. Sophia has always shown interest in amateur radio and has enjoyed sending greetings messages for a number of […]