RSSNews for England South and South East

England South East 13 October 2013

| October 11, 2013

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Fort Purbrook Amateur Radio Club has its 40m net tonight and next Sunday from 9pm. The Monday 2m SSB net is on 144.350MHz from 7pm and the 70cm FM net is on Wednesday at 8pm on 433.575MHz. Thursday at 7pm sees the 2m FM net […]

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England South East 29 September 2013

| September 27, 2013

On Sunday 29 September Coalhouse Fort Amateur Radio Society is putting GB1CHF on the air from 11am to 5pm for an open day. More information from Tony Reynard, G7HJT on 07976 553 345. On Sunday 29 September and 6 October, Fort Purbrook Amateur Radio Club is holding a 40m net meeting initially at 8.55pm on […]

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England South East 22 September 2013

| September 20, 2013

Chesham and District Amateur Radio Society are now planning to hold an Intermediate Training Course & exam starting in October 2013. Provisionally the training will run for six sessions starting on Sunday 27th October with the exam on either the 8th or 15th December. More detail from On Sunday 22 September East Kent Radio […]

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England South East 15 September 2013

| September 13, 2013

On Sunday 15 September Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club is holding a picnic at Cattell’s Mill, Willingham. More details from David, M0ZEB, 01353 778093 On Sunday 15 September and Sunday 22 September, Fort Purbrook Amateur Radio Club is holding a 40m at 9pm meeting initially at 8.55pm on the 2m calling channel 145.500MHz. Geoff, […]

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England South East 8 September 2013

| September 6, 2013

We start with an announcement from Bittern DX Group that it will no longer be meeting at The Roman Camp Inn, Aylmerton for the foreseeable future, although it is intended to continue holding meetings at different venues on the last Thursday of the month. More information from Linda, G0AJJ, on 01692 218 562. Now for […]

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England South East 1 September 2013

| August 30, 2013

We start with a reminder from Crawley Amateur Radio Club that the Microwave Round Table takes place next Sunday, 8 September, and not Monday 9 September as has apparently been announced in some quarters. This annual day of microwave related demonstrations, presentations, equipment and component sales is a week earlier than usual.  Refreshments, tea, coffee […]

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