RSGB General Manager

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RSGB General Manager's Latest Posts

HRO and AR88 Receivers Wanted!

| September 3, 2013

We have been asked by a company that is making a film about about the life of Alan Turing (called “The Imitation Game”) if we can help them locate HRO and AR88 receivers.  The receivers are needed for a period of 6 days from 18th September.  If you are able and willing to help please […]

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Noise Floor Study

| August 23, 2013

A proposal for funding to support the long-term understanding of the RF noise floor has recently been approved by the RSGB Legacy Trustees managing the generous legacy provided by the late Ken Rowell, G5RL.  The funding provides for web support for the Noise Measurement Campaign, announced in the July 2012 edition of RadCom, and data […]

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Staff Changes at HQ

| August 21, 2013

The Society continues to face cost pressures, and the need to contain our management costs within the budget has meant that a revised management structure has been introduced. Fortunately, the new IT system which is due to be commissioned on 1st October will help us provide the same level of service with fewer staff. As […]

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Review of National Regional Organisation

| August 7, 2013

The Board have decided that a complete review needs to be made of the RSGB national regional organisation.  The thinking behind the creation of the Leadership Team in 2012 was that communication between the many specialist volunteers and the membership needs to be improved so that members realise greater value from their membership. The Board has asked […]

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The Secret Listeners

| July 5, 2013

On the BBC website, Bob King G3ASE tells his story as a voluntary interceptor during WWII.  Paul Cort-Wright, G3SEM, gave a lecture on the work of the VI’s at our Centenary Day celebrations at Bletchley Park on 5th July 2013 . See

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Special Centenary Prefixes GV, MV and 2V

| June 11, 2013

Ofcom has been most accommodating in supporting our celebrations this year and have now agreed to issue an NoV to any UK amateur who wishes to use a special commemorative prefix.   The NoVs for these special commemorative prefixes GV,MV and 2V are now available for download from Please note that these NoVs are valid ONLY from 0001 […]

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