RSGB General Manager

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News for Northern Ireland – 25 December 2016

| December 23, 2016

The first of January sees the beginning of the Worked All GI award, or WAGI, for Worked All Britain areas in Northern Ireland. There are various classes of award, starting at 5 Squares. Details are on the WAB website,

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News for Scotland – 25 December 2016

| December 23, 2016

This broadcast covers the two weeks from 25 December to 8 January. On Tuesday the 27th of December Livingston and District Amateur Radio Society is having a training and operating evening. Details from Cathie, 2M0DIB, on 01506 433 846. On Friday the 30th and Friday the 6th West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society has its […]

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News for England South-East – 25 December 2016

| December 23, 2016

This broadcast covers the two weeks from 25 December to 8 January. To keep the bulletin short we have omitted ‘club closed’ notices and edited some entries more heavily than usual. Surrey Radio Contact Club has its regular Sunday net on 1905kHz from 9.30am on the 25th, 1st and 8th. Thursday the 29th and 5th […]

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News for England South-West – 25 December 2016

| December 23, 2016

This broadcast covers the two weeks from 25 December to 8 January. To keep the bulletin short we have omitted ‘club closed’ notices and edited some entries more heavily than usual. Exeter Amateur Radio Society has its net on GB3EW from 7.45pm on Tuesday the 27th and on GB3EX from 7.45pm on Tuesday the 3rd. […]

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News for Wales – 25 December 2016

| December 23, 2016

This broadcast covers the two weeks from 25 December to 8 January. On Tuesday the 27th Newport Amateur Radio Society has its club net from 8pm on 145.425MHz. Details from Margaret, GW4SUE, on 01633 665 289. On Thursday the 29th Aberystwyth & District Amateur Radio Society has its net, starting on 145.500MHz then moving to […]

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RSGB questions Ofcom WTA S54 Regs

| December 11, 2016

RSGB EMC Committee put questions to Ofcom based on their new Wireless Telegraphy Act, Section 54 regulations concerning enforcement against RFI from in service equipment. The attached response largely reiterates the points made in Ofcom’s response to consultation on the original proposal. However the answer to question 6 reveals more information about what is needed for […]

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