RSGB General Manager

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RSGB General Manager's Latest Posts

Presidential Review of Contesting : Report

| January 25, 2017

The Board has asked the current President, Nick Henwood,G3RWF, to conduct a short consultation leading to a report on progress made since the Presidential Contest Review of 2015. He will look at its original aims, the progress which has been achieved so far and suggestions for future priorities and action. There will be an online […]

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Clubs, Groups, Teams….

| January 24, 2017

Spice up your club life Recently, amateurs have found many new ways of getting together to share their hobby – and ways of spicing up very traditional clubs with innovative ways of doing things. RSGB President Nick Henwood, G3RWF, has got Board support to highlight some of the best things which are going on.  Whether […]

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An urgent message from the RSGB President

| January 24, 2017

This is an exciting time for the RSGB, the Board and all the membership as we reshape our strategy. We all want an active and thriving amateur radio community with the RSGB as a strong and influential national society; now is the time to make and implement plans to build on our current strengths and […]

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RSGB Convention 2017

| January 13, 2017

The RSGB Convention this year will be held on 13-15 October at Kents Hill Park Conference Centre, Milton Keynes. We are starting to identify speakers for the Convention and would particularly like to develop the HF and DXpedition content further. If you have suggestions for any topics or speakers you would like to hear, please send […]

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Note from our patron, HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, KG, KT

| January 12, 2017
Note from our patron, HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, KG, KT

The RSGB Commonwealth Contest (formerly known as the British Empire Radio Union – BERU) is one of the longest-running contests in the HF contesting world. It promotes contacts between stations in the UK&CD, Commonwealth and Mandated Territories. The 80th Commonwealth Contest will take place on 11 – 12 March 2017 between 1000 – 1000 UTC. […]

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VDSL interference

| January 10, 2017

The RSGB’s Electromagnetic Compatibility Committee (EMCC) has worked with BT Technology Services and Operations and also Openreach to design a new process to improve the way multiple line checks are done. This can only be used where the EMCC has received reports from amateurs that it checks and believes are caused by VDSL RFI. In these cases, lines in the near vicinity of […]

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