RSGB General Manager

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So what does being an RSGB Board member really mean?

| October 4, 2017
So what does being an RSGB Board member really mean?

We asked current Board Directors to give us their thoughts: “A chance to give something back for the enjoyment I have had from amateur radio over many years – here and overseas.” Most people cite being able to give something back as being a key driver; others want to use their knowledge, skills and experience […]

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IARU R1 honours Colin Thomas, G3PSM

| September 22, 2017
IARU R1 honours Colin Thomas, G3PSM

We’re delighted to announce that Colin Thomas, G3PSM has been given the Roy Stevens G2BVN Memorial Award by the IARU Region 1. It is appropriate that Roy was Colin’s mentor in his international work. Colin retires as Chairman of the External Relations Committee this year after a period of exemplary service to the amateur radio […]

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Legacy Subcommittee volunteers needed

| September 20, 2017

The Legacy Sub-Committee makes recommendations to the RSGB Board on requests for funding from the £180,000 Legacy Fund. The Board wishes to appoint a new Chairman of the Legacy Sub-Committee and also a further sub-committee member. Information about the fund is on the RSGB website and further details of these appointments are available from the General […]

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Future of amateur radio video released

| September 19, 2017

A video created by the RSGB was used by Don Beattie, President of IARU Region 1, at the IARU conference in Landshut to spark discussion about the future of amateur radio. Five young radio amateurs from different countries (filmed at YOTA 2017) explain what they think the future of amateur radio should look like. They […]

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RadCom Plus

| September 11, 2017
RadCom Plus

We’re delighted to announce that the latest issue of RadCom Plus is now available. It contains the following features: Vertical phased arrays from compromised locations John Matthews, G3WZT wanted to improve his antennas for 80m when he decided to go US county chasing, but only on 80m CW. Simple APRS tracker Anthony Le Cren, F4GOH […]

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YOTA 2017 and Strategy 2022

| September 11, 2017
YOTA 2017 and Strategy 2022

As I write this I am just back from YOTA 2017; a week of intense activity and, whilst I am exhausted, I am invigorated by the feedback that shows the event to have been a great success. The event was an excellent demonstration of our Strategy 2022 in action and it is worth looking at […]

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