RSGB General Manager

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RSGB General Manager's Latest Posts

Propagation News – 5 September 2021

| September 3, 2021

Well, NOAA got the solar flux index prediction wrong last week. The SFI actually ended up higher than the prediction, thanks to active region 2860, which grew as the week went on. NOAA also issued a G1, or Minor, and G2, or Moderate, geomagnetic storm watch for the 1st and 2nd of September, just days […]

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News for England Midlands – 5 September 2021

| September 3, 2021

With clubs beginning to meet face to face and enjoy other activities, please make sure you keep GB2RS up to date. We can now accept repeat information such as nets and meetings but you must let us know at least every three months that nothing has changed. Today, the 5th, Telford & District Amateur Radio […]

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News for England North – 5 September 2021

| September 3, 2021

With clubs beginning to meet face to face and enjoy other activities, please make sure you keep GB2RS up to date. We can now accept repeat information such as nets and meetings but you must let us know at least every three months that nothing has changed. Club meetings on the Isle of Man remain […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 5 September 2021

| September 3, 2021

With clubs beginning to meet face to face and enjoy other activities, please make sure you keep GB2RS up to date. We can now accept repeat information such as nets and meetings but you must let us know at least every three months that nothing has changed. Antrim and District Amateur Radio Club activates GB2CW […]

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News for Scotland – 5 September 2021

| September 3, 2021

With clubs beginning to meet face to face and enjoy other activities, please make sure you keep GB2RS up to date. We can now accept repeat information such as nets and meetings but you must let us know at least every three months that nothing has changed. Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Society has a net on […]

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News for England South-East – 5 September 2021

| September 3, 2021

With clubs beginning to meet face to face and enjoy other activities, please make sure you keep GB2RS up to date. We can now accept repeat information such as nets and meetings but you must let us know at least every three months that nothing has changed. Burnham Beeches Radio Club has a DX picnic […]

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