Communications Manager

RSGB Communications Manager

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RSGB 2024 Board and Regional Team elections

| February 9, 2024

The outcome of the 2024 Board and Regional Team election process has been announced by the RSGB Company Secretary and Elections Officer, Stephen Purser, GW4SHF. These results come into force at the RSGB 2024 AGM and, until that time, the current Regional Representatives remain in their roles. The announcement also contains news of the Nominated […]

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RSGB British Science Week Challenge

| February 9, 2024

The theme of British Science Week this year is Time. Both time and the closely related concept of frequency, are of vital importance to radio communications. The RSGB has announced a new challenge for British Science Week linked to this theme. The challenge has categories for every age group and the winner of each group […]

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RSGB Spectrum and licensing update

| February 9, 2024

A busy year has seen several online RSGB Spectrum Forum meetings. Two meetings held in January considered the Ofcom notice period for ‘representations’ and areas where band plan adjustments would be needed, as well as more regular items such as annual group reports. The RSGB website now has these details online. The RSGB’s reply to Ofcom […]

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RSGB Board – January 2024 meeting key messages

| February 9, 2024

Following its meeting in January 2024, the RSGB Board has shared these key messages from that meeting: Board noted that 2,232 candidates had taken exams in 2023: 1,500 at Foundation, 416 at Intermediate, 289 at Full and 27 at Direct-to-Full level. The Society also issued 78 Foundation candidate numbers for successful cadet exam passes. The number […]

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An update on the amateur radio licence exams

| February 6, 2024

As previously announced, the amateur radio licence examinations will need to change to reflect the changes to the licence conditions announced by Ofcom. The scale of the licence changes will have a significant impact on Section 1 of the syllabus (licensing) and a small impact on Section 7 (operating). Ofcom is currently reviewing representations and […]

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5 February 2024 – Propagation at HF: What can we learn using digital modes WSPR and FST4W? by Gwyn Griffiths, G3ZIL

| February 6, 2024

The presentation Gwyn says: “This presentation is a story of learning-as-I-went-along with the Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) mode within the WSJT-X digital communications package. It begins with building a simple, but successful, 7 MHz WSPR transceiver. “My next WSPR receiver went to the Arctic on an icebreaker, receiving three spots in eight days. Why? […]

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