Communications Manager

RSGB Communications Manager

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Ofcom consultation decisions announced

| February 23, 2024

Ofcom has released its final decisions following its consultation on the amateur radio licensing framework last year. Revised licence conditions became effective on Wednesday 21 of February 2024. The changes to licence conditions include the optional use of Regional Secondary Locators, increased transmitter power levels and provide greater opportunity to bring newcomers into amateur radio. There […]

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EMF assessments reminder

| February 23, 2024

Given that increased transmitter power limits are now available to UK licensees, all amateurs are reminded that they are required to carry out EMF assessments. To help you do this, advice and an online EMF calculator can be found on the RSGB website at

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RSGB Band Plans

| February 23, 2024

The RSGB Band Plans for 2024 were published in the March 2024 issue of RadCom. They are also available on the RSGB website. This year’s changes support the new Ofcom licensing framework and guidance, particularly in the VHF and UHF bands. All amateurs are reminded to consult the Band Plans before operating.

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New British Science Week resources and events

| February 23, 2024

The list of amateur radio events taking place in British Science Week and the resource suggestions are growing. GB3RS, the radio station at the RSGB National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park could be available for QSOs with stations operating as part of British Science Week. Contact the RSGB’s BSW coordinator, Ian Neal, M0KEO at and he […]

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RadCom paper wrapper trial

| February 23, 2024

The RSGB has been trialling paper wrappers for RadCom as part of its plans to be more environmentally friendly. The Society has been collating feedback and is aware that there have been particular problems with the gluing of the RadCom wrappers this month. Please be assured that the RSGB is discussing this with its supplier […]

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Amateur radio exams – timing explanation

| February 23, 2024

On 6 February we gave an update on the amateur radio exams and their need to change to reflect the changes to the Ofcom licence conditions. Since that announcement, some members of the tutor community have raised questions about the RSGB’s decision to move the start of exams to the new licence conditions to 1 […]

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