Communications Manager

RSGB Communications Manager

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RSGB 2024 AGM Calling Notice

| March 1, 2024

The Calling Notice for the RSGB 2024 AGM is now online. The notice includes the resolutions and information about the three Nominated Directors who are being put forward for endorsement by RSGB members. You can also read the minutes of last year’s AGM (PDF). Voting opens on Wednesday 13 March 2024. On that same day, […]

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HF beacon list updated

| March 1, 2024

The RSGB’s Propagation Studies Committee (PSC) has released a new HF beacon list, with the 10m listings completely revamped. The old list, which was started by Martin Harrison G3USF (SK), had been added to over the years, but was getting out of date and the only way to make it more accurate was to start […]

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March T@8 – VHF National Field Day fun and challenges

| March 1, 2024

Have you wondered what happens at a VHF National Field Day? Would you like to take part in one? In this month’s Tonight @ 8 webinar, the RSGB offers two different perspectives. Firstly, RSGB VHF Contest Committee (VHFCC) member Richard, G4HGI will talk about how the RSGB VHFCC uses the VHF Survey and other tools […]

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Nigel Limb, M7FFU

| March 1, 2024
Nigel Limb, M7FFU

Nigel Limb, M7FFU, aged 58, is registered partially blind following a motorbike accident in 2015 that left him with permanent brain damage and partially blind in both eyes. This, however, did not stop him pursuing his childhood dream of obtaining his amateur radio licence. In December 2023 he achieved this and passed the Foundation Licence […]

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RadCom delivery to Guernsey and the Isle of Man

| February 29, 2024

Following complaints from some RSGB members, we have investigated a problem with non-delivery of RadCom on Guernsey and the Isle of Man. It seems that following changes at the Royal Mail, the labelling requirement for these copies was incorrectly applied by our printers and these copies didn’t go through the postal system correctly. We are […]

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Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) Amateur Radio & Electronics Society

| February 23, 2024
Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) Amateur Radio & Electronics Society

Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) Amateur Radio & Electronics Society has recently been ratified. Their Club Secretary, Grace McCormick, 2I0GYL, got in touch with the RSGB to tell us that she, along with other members, were keen to restart the University club, which has a long history at the campus dating back to the 1950s. Inaugural […]

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