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Rallies and Events

| September 30, 2012

There will be a free to attend talk by the IET on the Future of Radio Spectrum taking place in Bromley on 3 October. The use of the Radio Spectrum is continuously evolving with new standards, services and ever higher number of devices/users. What does this all mean to the way we manage it and […]

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RSGB Sales Department to close for National Hamfest

| September 26, 2012

RSGB – The RSGB Sales Department will be closed all day on Friday, 28 September to allow staff to attend the National Hamfest in Newark [LINK TO OLD SITE]

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Ofcom thanks RSGB for Olympic help

| September 26, 2012

RSGB – Ofcom has written to thank the RSGB for the role the Society’s volunteers played in the successful deployment of wireless communications during the Games

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| September 26, 2012

AMSAT-UK – Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society Chairman Sid May, ET3SID/AB3OZ/G4CTQ passed away on 25 September

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UKube-1 Amateur Radio CubeSat books a ride on Soyuz-2

| September 26, 2012

AMSAT-UK – Ukube-1, the UK Space Agency’s first CubeSat mission, has ‘booked’ its journey into space on a Russian Soyuz-2 rocket

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RSGB website outage

| September 25, 2012

RSGB – The RSGB website is now online again following a serious outage that lasted through yesterday and last night

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