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Amazing pictures of CubeSat deployment

| October 22, 2012

Daily Mail – These incredible pictures show how astronauts released the latest tranche of cubesats into orbit around the Earth

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434.301 MHz PICO balloon reaches Sweden

| October 22, 2012

AMSAT-UK – PICO, a single foil balloon was launched by James Coxon, M6JCX on Saturday, 20 October 20 and during its 19 hour flight crossed the North Sea, landing somewhere in central Sweden

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GB2RS News for Sunday, 21 October 2012

| October 21, 2012

RSGB Extraordinary General Meeting RSGB Members are now receiving their copy of the November 2012 RadCom. Contained with in it are details of the EGM to be held on 17 November 2012, at which Members will be invited to vote on new governance arrangements for the Society. RSGB Members can vote electronically via the RSGB […]

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DX News

| October 21, 2012

The Radio 7 team operation on Rodrigues Island, AF-017, finishes on Tuesday. 3B9SP is active on 160-6m on CW, SSB and datamodes. QSL via HB9ACA or the OQRS on ClubLog. Full details are at The Canadian authorities have approved revised dates of October 22-31 for the DXpedition to Sable Island, NA-063. The two-man team […]

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Contest News

| October 21, 2012

All contest times are UTC. Today, from 0900 until 1200, it’s the 50MHz AFS, which is a Super League event. Using all modes on the 6m band, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. On Tuesday the 50MHz UKAC takes place from 1900 to 2130. Using all modes on the 6m band, the […]

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Rallies and Events

| October 21, 2012

Today sees the Galashiels and District ARS radio rally at The Volunteer Hall, St Johns Street, Galashiels, Scottish Borders TD1 3JX. Entry is £2.50 and the opening time is 11.30, or 11.15 for those with special needs. Details from Jim, GM7LUN, on 01896 850 245. Also today, the Ripon and District Amateur Radio Society rally […]

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