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WRC-12 Day 16 – 7 February 2012 – YES!

| February 7, 2012

Agenda Item 1.23 – 500kHz Progress through Committee 4 (COM4) was a little easier than expected and the frequency band 472-479kHz will be allocated to the amateur service, on a Secondary basis. This is subject to no further objections being received during the two final readings through the plenary meetings, of which the first ‘blue’ reading is […]

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WRC-12 Day 15 – 6 February 2012 – Week 3 Starts

| February 6, 2012

Agenda Item 1.23 – 500kHz Tomorrow is expected to be make or break day for this agenda item. Lobbying has continued over the past few days and there are expectations that while there will be objections at the Committee 4 level scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, these will be overcome. Agenda Item 1.15 – HF Oceanic […]

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WRC-12 Days 13 and 14 – 4-5 February

| February 5, 2012

Agenda Item 1.15 – HF Oceanic Radar Discussions at the sub working group level have now been completed and an output paper has been submitted to Working Group 4A, which will meet on Monday afternoon. Among the proposed frequency sub-bands for the radiolocation system is 5250-5275kHz in Regions 1 and 3 on a secondary basis […]

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WRC-12 Day 12 – 3 February

| February 3, 2012

Agenda Item 1.23 – 500kHz There was been no formal progress on this agenda item and it will next be dealt with in Committee 4, probably during next Tuesday’s session. Agenda Item 1.15 – HF Oceanic Radar Discussions will continue into the weekend in order to complete the work at sub working group level. No […]

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WRC-12 Day 11 – 2 February 2012 – Impasse

| February 2, 2012

Agenda Item 1.23 – 500kHz Working Group 4 met during the afternoon of Thursday with little progress on this agenda item. Although footnotes were tidied up and, with one exception, agreed, the administration of Iran insisted on maintaining their No Change (NOC) position. As a consequence, the proposals will now be forwarded to Committee 4, […]

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WRC-12 Day 10 – 1 February 2012 – Movement forward

| February 1, 2012

Agenda Item 1.23 – 500kHz The 12th and final meeting of the sub working group took place in the late afternoon and continued into the evening. After intense lobbying during the day a way forward was agreed with China and the Russian Federation, agreeing to text after their concerns into protection of the aeronautical radionavigation […]

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