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WRC-12 Day 23, 14 February 2012 – Hard Work Over (for now)

| February 14, 2012

The first (blue) and second (pink) reading of the 472-479kHz document took place during the first session of Plenary on Tuesday morning and was accepted (with one minor addition to a footnote). This means that with the signing of the Final Acts on Friday, the amateur service will have a new global allocation at MF. […]

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WRC-12 Day 22, 13 February 2012 – 4th and final week

| February 13, 2012

With most of the committees having finalised their work for elevation to the plenary sessions, most of the work today was in Committee 6 (COM 6). Briefly, the work of the top committees is carried out in 6 languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish and, from time to time, problems arise in the […]

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WRC-12 Days 20/21, 11 and 12 February 2012 – Ad Hoc Meetings

| February 12, 2012

No formal meetings took place over the weekend; however a number of ad hoc meetings took place between regional groups. Agreements were made on various issues concerning future agenda items. In an attempt to reduce the length of future conferences and, consequentially, the cost, agreement has been reached in principle to reduce the number of […]

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WRC-12 Day 19 – 10 February 2012 – Ping Pong

| February 10, 2012

Agenda Item 1.23 – 500kHz The first reading of the text for an amateur service band at 472-479kHz was presented to the WRC-12 plenary this evening. This text provides for a global allocation to the amateur service with a maximum radiated power of 1W (EIRP). Administrations however, may permit stations located more than 800km from […]

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WRC-12 Day 18 – 9 February 2012 – Observing

| February 9, 2012

Agenda Item 1.23 – 500kHz This is still on schedule for the first reading during the plenary session late on Friday afternoon. Agenda Item 8.2 – Future Agenda Items 5MHz A Draft Resolution for the proposal from Cuba—to consider the possible new allocation to the amateur service on a secondary basis at around 5 300 […]

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WRC-12 Day 17 – 8 February 2012 – Waiting

| February 8, 2012

Agenda Item 1.23 – 500kHz The first reading of the text for an amateur service band at 472-479kHz was listed for consideration at today’s plenary session scheduled for this afternoon. The rather ambitious agenda placed the item halfway down and, in reality, item considerations only reached one third of the way down in the hour […]

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