Archive for May, 2024

RAF Henlow Signals Museum to close

| May 17, 2024

The Signals Museum at RAF Henlow is closing soon. Its final open day will be on the 8 June 2024. According to the Museum’s website, after this time it will start to dispose of its exhibits. The Museum attempts to tell the story of RAF Signals. Among its attractions, it contains a lot of working […]

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UK Six Metre Group Summer Marathon underway

| May 17, 2024

The UK Six Metre Group Summer Marathon is under way. The activity is open to all amateur radio operators worldwide and membership of the Group is not required. The objective is to work as many four-digit grid squares as possible between the 4 May and the 4 August on the 6m band. Logs can be submitted until […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| May 17, 2024

The latest RadCom contesting column is now available for all to read on the RSGB website. Since April 2024 this exclusive content has been shared online each month following the publication of each RadCom issue. This useful resource shares various aspects about contesting including tip of the month, a featured UK contester, as well as […]

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Rallies and Events News – 19 May 2024

| May 17, 2024

The Braehead Rally is taking place today, the 19 May, at the Braehead Arena from 10am. Free on-site parking, bring and buy and refreshments are available. For more information contact Paul via email at Also today, the 19 May, Dartmoor Radio Club Rally is being held at Yelverton War Memorial Hall, PL20 6AL. The […]

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Special Events News – 19 May 2024

| May 17, 2024

Today, the 19 May, RAF Waddington Amateur Radio Club will be back at the International Bomber Command Centre for its Inspire Ride 2024 event, which this year will pay tribute to the men of Stalag Luft III who took part in the ‘Great Escape’ in March 1944. Operators expect to be working on the HF […]

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DX News – 19 May 2024

| May 17, 2024

Chris, WA7RAR is active as 8P9CB from Barbados, NA-021, until the 26 May. All of his operations are portable at various locations throughout the island, especially Parks on the Air sites. He is QRV on the 20 to 10m bands using CW and SSB. QSL via Logbook of the World, or directly to WA7RAR. Roland, […]

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