Archive for May, 2023

News for England South-East – 14 May 2023

| May 12, 2023

The Online Radio Club has a virtual radio club night at 7.30pm every Thursday via Zoom. It is suitable for all radio enthusiasts regardless of individual skill level. Go to the website for the meeting link. Ham Radio Network has a talk on the theme of An Evening with… on Monday. See the website for […]

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News for England South-West – 14 May 2023

| May 12, 2023

The Online Radio Club has a virtual radio club night at 7.30pm every Thursday via Zoom. It is suitable for all radio enthusiasts regardless of individual skill level. Go to the website for the meeting link. Ham Radio Network has a talk on the theme of An Evening with… on Monday. See the website to […]

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News for Wales – 14 May 2023

| May 12, 2023

The Online Radio Club has a virtual radio club night at 7.30pm every Thursday via Zoom. It is suitable for all radio enthusiasts regardless of individual skill level. Go to the website for the meeting link. Ham Radio Network has a talk on the theme of An Evening with… on Monday. See the website for […]

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Martin Richmond-Hardy, G8BHC – 5 May 2023

| May 10, 2023

Martin Richmond-Hardy, G8BHC, died on 5 May 2023. Although most of you will not have worked Martin on the air he has contributed significantly to the Microwave cause. He was on the organising committee of EME2012 which was held in Cambridge; he was an original committee member of Martlesham Radio Society when G4BPO was winning […]

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Ian Douglas, G7MFN – SK

| May 10, 2023

It is with great sadness that we share the news that Ian Douglas, G7MFN became a Silent Key on Saturday 6 May. Ian had held both RSGB Regional and District Representative roles for many years, as well as being a GB2RS newsreader for the Northeast of England until recently when ill health forced him to […]

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Ian Douglas, G7MFN – 6 May 2023

| May 9, 2023

Ian had held both RSGB Regional and District Representative positions for many years as well as being a GB2RS News Reader for the Northeast of England until recently when ill health forced him to stand down. Ian was our local Aerial Planning resource and had great success in persuading local planning departments to allow many […]

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