Archive for April, 2023

Propagation News – 8 April 2023

| April 6, 2023

Solar activity declined this past week with the Sun looking distinctly spotless, other than active region 3270. In fact, this has even prompted some amateurs to question whether we are now past solar maximum for this cycle. Rest assured, we shouldn’t be, as it is pretty common for cycles to ebb and flow as they […]

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News for England Midlands – 8 April 2023

| April 6, 2023

The Online Radio Club has a virtual radio club night at 7.30pm every Thursday via Zoom. It is suitable for all radio enthusiasts regardless of individual skill level. Go to the website for the meeting link. Ham Radio Network has a talk on the theme of An Evening with… on Monday. See the website for […]

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News for England North – 8 April 2023

| April 6, 2023

The Online Radio Club has a virtual radio club night at 7.30pm every Thursday via Zoom. It is suitable for all radio enthusiasts regardless of individual skill level. Go to the website for the meeting link. Ham Radio Network has a talk on the theme of An Evening with… on Monday. See the website for […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 8 April 2023

| April 6, 2023

The Online Radio Club has a virtual radio club night at 7.30pm every Thursday via Zoom. It is suitable for all radio enthusiasts regardless of individual skill level. Go to the website for the meeting link. Ham Radio Network has a talk on the theme of An Evening with… on Monday. See the website for […]

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News for Scotland – 8 April 2023

| April 6, 2023

On Wednesday, from 8pm to 9pm, George, MM0JNL, will be hosting a Technical and Support Net via GB3BT. The net is open to anyone, within range, who has any radio-related issues and needs assistance or guidance. This is a peer-support net, the aim of which is to provide support to fellow amateurs. Advance notification […]

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News for England South-East – 8 April 2023

| April 6, 2023

The Online Radio Club has a virtual radio club night at 7.30pm every Thursday via Zoom. It is suitable for all radio enthusiasts regardless of individual skill level. Go to the website for the meeting link. Ham Radio Network has a talk on the theme of An Evening with… on Monday. See the website for […]

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