Archive for September, 2021
Roger Gill, 2E0GHR, 24th September 2021

Roger and I became firm friends very soon after I joined Torbay Amateur Radio Society in 2016, just after I’d taken over running the training team. Initially, he was a little hesitant to accede to my request and join the team, telling me that he knew very little about amateur radio and electronics in particular! […]
GB2RS News Script for 26 September 2021
Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 26 September 2021 (17-page/423KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link
RSGB Convention on 9 October
There is less than two weeks to go before the RSGB Online Convention on the 9th of October. There will be two live streams of talks available all day with a Q&A session at the end of each talk. After the event, on the RSGB YouTube channel, you can view the lectures as many times […]
Transatlantic centenary events
The RSGB and the ARRL in the USA, are jointly celebrating the achievement of transatlantic communications by radio amateurs 100 years ago. In December 1921, the ARRL sent Paul Godley, who held the US callsign 2ZE, as their representative to listen for amateur signals from North America during the Second Transatlantic Tests. Godley set up […]
Please keep emergency frequencies clear
The volcano on La Palmas in Spain’s Canary Islands erupted for the first time in 50 years on Sunday, 19 September 2021. In order to facilitate communications to and from that area, EMCOM-SPAIN is asking for the Emergency Centre Of Activity frequencies to be kept clear in case the situation gets worse. The frequencies are— […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
The RSGB President, Stewart Bryant, G3YSX and Spectrum Chair Murray Niman, G6JYB attended the online IARU Region 3 Conference, hosted by Thai National Society. One of the reasons for the RSGB attendance was to help in the preparation for the IARU Region 1 Strategic Workshop in October. The RSGB report is on the Conference website, […]