Archive for September, 2021
RSGB Board liaison change
Following changes to the workload within the Board, Len Paget, GM0ONX will assume responsibility as Board Liaison for the Regional Team with effect from 1 October 2021. Len has long experience of working with our Regional Team of over 80 volunteers and will, once again, lead and support them as amateur radio activities gather pace […]
NRC volunteer Krassi passes Foundation licence

Krassi – a new RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC) volunteer – passed her Foundation Licence and gained her M7YAY call sign last week. She made her first HF SSB QSO with YO3FBD from the NRC’s GB3RS station on 20m using the Flex6500 and SteppIR. Congratulations Krassi and thank you for volunteering at the NRC!
RadCom Basics – September 2021 edition out now
We are pleased to announce the September 2021 edition of RadCom Basics is now available at This month we have a timely reminder about Ofcom ICNIRP compliance and where to find information; a brief look at teams on the RSGB website, in particular, Beyond Exams; and correspondence with RadCom Basics readers, as well as— […]
RadCom Basics July 2021, No. 23

Again we have some really good topics covered in this edition of RadCom Basics. Whether you are new to the hobby or looking to brush up on the basics, here’s some great help. Lee, G4EJB, Editor. In this edition… The return of two familiar topics Making the most of the RSGB—RSGB Matters and Hints & […]
Tonight @ 8 repeaters episode streamed live
Steve Morton, F4VTF, G8SFR presented Repeaters: How They Are Built, Planned, Commissioned and Used on 27 September 2021. If you missed Steve’s fascinating talk or would like to see it again, it’s now available on the RSGB website at, and on the RSGB YouTube channel.
27 September 2021 – Repeaters: how they are built, planned, commissioned and used by Steve Morton, F4VTF, G8SFR
Steve’s presentation Voice repeaters have been with us in UK for almost 50 years a lot has changed in that time. We all are aware of repeaters but how many of us have considered what’s involved in getting one commissioned? In his presentation, Steve will cover a wide variety of information about repeaters, including the […]