Archive for 2020

Contest News – 1 March 2020

| February 28, 2020

On Monday, the 80 Club Championships take place between 2000 and 2130UTC using datamodes only. The exchange is signal report and serial number. On Tuesday the 144MHz FM Activity Contest runs from 1900 to 1955UTC, using FM only. It is immediately followed by the all-mode 144MHz UK Activity Contest from 2000 to 2230UTC. The exchange […]

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Propagation News – 1 March 2020

| February 28, 2020

Interest in the VP8PJ DXpedition to the South Orkney Islands remains high. The team has now been on the island for one week and many UK amateurs have worked them. At the moment, it looks like beams and linears are the norm for a reliable contact, although they have been heard in the UK on […]

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News for England Midlands – 1 March 2020

| February 28, 2020

We start with clubs that have more than one event this week. Cheltenham Amateur Radio Association has its net this Sunday and next Sunday from 8.30am on 50.220MHz SSB. Tuesday sees slow Morse around 3455kHz from 8pm. Contact Derek, G3NKS, via email to Kettering and District Amateur Radio Society has its breakfast meeting this […]

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News for England North – 1 March 2020

| February 28, 2020

The Quantum Technology Club, and Southport and District Amateur Radio Club, start their first joint amateur radio foundation course of the year at 7.30pm on Thursday. The venue will be Cottage Lane Mission in Ormskirk. All are welcome. Further details can be obtained by emailing We carry on with clubs that have more than […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 1 March 2020

| February 28, 2020

No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week.

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News for Scotland – 1 March 2020

| February 28, 2020

Stirling and District Amateur Radio Society has a meeting and CW lessons from 10am till 2pm this Sunday and next Sunday. On Thursday there’s a club night. Contact Jess, MM3RCR, via email to West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society has a Solder Group meeting on Wednesday. Friday sees a club night with a vide. […]

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