Archive for 2020

New Coronavirus updates and resources page launched

| March 20, 2020

We have launched a new Coronavirus updates web page to serve radio amateurs in two ways. Firstly, it draws together in one place all our major announcements as we respond to this fast-moving situation. Secondly, it provides a place for us to share ideas we receive from clubs and groups as they adapt to new […]

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Message from RSGB General Manager, Steve Thomas, M1ACB

| March 20, 2020

We took the decision to close the RSGB National Radio Centre earlier this week to help protect our staff, volunteers and visitors. You will also have seen announcements about changes to our AGM, exams and contests over recent days. During this difficult time we have also been focused on protecting the welfare of our volunteer […]

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BATC helps clubs to hold virtual meetings

| March 20, 2020

In order to support the worldwide amateur radio community during the Covid-19 virus pandemic, British Amateur Television Club (BATC) is offering free use of the BATC Video Streaming Service and chat facility to any radio club or group of radio amateurs. This will help clubs to hold virtual meetings with HD video and audio streaming […]

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Crawley Amateur Radio Club

| March 20, 2020

Our club has just changed from physical meetings twice a week, to arranging two nets, Webex club meetings and creating a WhatsApp group and a Zello channel. We will be changing things as necessary as the weeks go on, but we’re adapting as a club to the new environment and trying to keep our contacts […]

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Changes to the AGM arrangements

| March 19, 2020

In response to the government’s latest Covid-19 recommendations the RSGB Board has changed the arrangements for the Society’s AGM on 25 April 2020. The physical meeting in Birmingham will not take place and the information which would have been made available at the AGM will now be made available online. AGM business The Resolutions to […]

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RSGB HF and VHF contest rules changes

| March 19, 2020

As a result of the UK government’s recent advice on social distancing, it is with regret that the HF Contest Committee (HFCC) and the VHF Contest Committee (VHFCC) have decided that, with immediate effect and until the end of June 2020, we will no longer accept multi-operator contest entries for any RSGB Contest. Single operator […]

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