Archive for 2020

News for Wales – 12 April 2020

| April 9, 2020

Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society has its 80m SSB net every Sunday from 2.30pm. Contact Andy, GW0JLX, on 0776 828 2880.

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Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) video filmed at the NRC

| April 9, 2020

A few weeks ago, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) visited the RSGB National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park to make a film about the B2 MkIII Spy set displayed in the foyer. The video features RSGB member John Ellerton, G3NCN and can viewed on the CWGC YouTube channel. This video is one part of […]

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RSGB 2020 HF contest survey findings

| April 8, 2020

The RSGB HF Contest Committee (HFCC) has just completed a survey, which was open to all, to help determine its strategy during the Covid-19 pandemic. Questions focused on two issues: How best to proceed with its ‘flagship’ IOTA Contest in 2020 Is there a mandate for introducing a temporary HF contest series to provide some […]

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Looking for help with an EMC problem?

| April 7, 2020

The EMC page in the technical section of our website has a number of useful resources. You will find links to: Download leaflets created by the RSGB’s EMC Committee (EMCC) to help members tackle interference problems Contact the EMC helpdesk for help with EMC issues: Read guidance on a number of EMC issues Our […]

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Henry Pinchin, G3VPE, 31st March 2020

| April 6, 2020

Henry was licenced in 1966 and was operational from Spennymoor, County Durham. He became an enthusiastic member of RAYNET soon afterwards, initially with Mid Severn Valley RAYNET Group, then Solihull and Chelmsley Wood RAYNET Group around 1979, and West Midlands County RAYNET Group. From July 1975 to December 1981 he was the RSGB Regional Representative […]

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G2HCG becomes centenarian this week

| April 3, 2020

A good news story to start this week’s news. The RSGB would like to wish Bill Sykes, G2HCG a happy 100th birthday for Wednesday, 8 April 2020. Bill is well-known for his involvement with JBeam aerials and for his in-depth knowledge of aerials in general. He is still active, mostly on 80m slow scan television.

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