Archive for 2020

South Bristol Amateur Radio Club supports GOTA2C

| May 6, 2020

Thank you to members of South Bristol ARC who are supporting GOTA2C through all their current activities. As well as posting details about the campaign on the club website they have also sent details to their club members via email and shared it on the Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn channels. They’ve created a temporary homepage […]

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RAYNET helps elderly man

| May 6, 2020

In March, during a routine 80m net, an amateur in the south-west remarked that he was elderly, without family to help him and was virtually out of food. The nearest RAYNET group, local to the gentleman concerned, were asked to see if anything could be done to help. The local coronavirus support network were alerted […]

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BBC London 94.9 (Radio)

| May 6, 2020

Duncan Barkes on BBC London 94.9 (Radio) chatted about amateur radio on his programme on 5 May, following the feature on BBC news online. He outlined the topic from 09:19 and then had a phone-in chat to a radio amateur called Mark which starts at 36.18 We’re delighted that Mark is getting back into the […]

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Amateur radio blogs across the world support GOTA2C

| May 6, 2020

G3XBM Blog F4CZV – Station Radioamateur Française EA1CS …… Passion for DX

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News outlets across the world share our campaign news

| May 6, 2020

World Breaking News Earth Info Now World News Network News BBT  

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BBC Radio 6 Music

| May 6, 2020
BBC Radio 6 Music

Thanks to BBC Radio 6 Music for tweeting support for our GOTA2C campaign with the NHS! Amateur radio users have also been showing their support for the NHS by taking part in a "get on the air to care" campaign #GOTA2C "The NHS is the only government level organisation to routinely use amateur radio to […]

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