Archive for 2020

RSGB elections

| December 9, 2020

Would you like to volunteer for the RSGB? We’re looking for one Board Director and three Regional Representatives in Regions 2, 6 and 12. Our President Dave Wilson, M0OBW will also retire at the AGM and we need to elect someone to continue the excellent work that he has undertaken for the last three years. […]

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‘Get on the air for Christmas’ charity auction is live

| December 9, 2020
‘Get on the air for Christmas’ charity auction is live

Our ‘Get on the air for Christmas’ charity auction is live! Take a look at the item on eBay. Roy Bailey, G0VFS won the Lockdown Category in the RSGB’s annual Construction Competition and has donated this beautifully-engineered VirusPerpleXed Bug CW Key for the auction. It was created during the first lockdown period of self-isolation and […]

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7 December 2020 – So what’s next? by Jonathan Mitchener, G0DVJ

| December 7, 2020

Jonathan’s presentation This is a jargon-free, wide-ranging talk about where amateur radio can take you, whether you are new to the hobby or returning after a gap. Using his own extensive journey and experiences from amateur radio, Jonathan discusses— What’s possible How to start out How to discover your own particular interests from the huge […]

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Latest Tonight @ 8 webinar streamed live

| December 7, 2020

The latest in our autumn-winter series of Tonight @ 8 So What’s Next? by Jonathan Mitchener, G0DVJ was streamed live on Monday, 7 December 2020 between 20.00 and 21.00. This is a jargon-free, wide-ranging talk about where amateur radio can take you, whether you are new to the hobby or returning after a gap. If […]

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GB2RS News Script for 6 December 2020

| December 4, 2020

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 6 December 2020 (12-page/223KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link.

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‘Get on the air to care’ campaign wins international award

| December 4, 2020
‘Get on the air to care’ campaign wins international award

We’re delighted that this year’s Amateur Radio Newsline’s International Newsmaker of the Year Award has been presented to the ‘Get on the Air to Care’ project operated jointly by the Radio Society of Great Britain and the UK’s National Health Service. The idea was conceived by Paul Devlin, G1SMP who is a member of the […]

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