Archive for 2019

News for Wales – 22 December 2019

| December 20, 2019

Newport Amateur Radio Society has a net this Sunday and next Sunday on 3.705MHz from 10am. Christmas Eve sees a net on 144.700MHz from 8pm. Details from Ross, GW3NWS, on 01633 880 146. On Boxing Day Aberystwyth and District Amateur Radio Society has a club net, beginning on 145.500MHz then moving to 145.550MHz. Contact Ray, […]

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News from YOTA 2019 Netherlands

| December 20, 2019

Charlie, 2E0FMZ I had a wonderful and very memorable time at this year’s winter YOTA camp. We attended lectures on satellites including OSCAR-100, jet engines and QRM hunting. We learned a lot about specific methods for reducing QRM, and I discovered that a balanced feeder is better than a coaxial, which can act like a […]

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News from YOTA 2019 Netherlands

| December 20, 2019

Zach, 2E0IPZ The winter YOTA camp was one of the best experiences of my life so far, it was amazing to meet so many other members of the amateur radio community from different backgrounds and countries. While attending the camp, I gained new knowledge about many different aspects of the hobby I did not previously […]

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News from YOTA 2019 Netherlands

| December 20, 2019

Lucy, M0LEJ One of the activities we did was an off-air contest. It was essentially like an ordinary contest, except we were talking face-to-face. There were three tables representing the 20m, 40m and 80m bands, and some people called CQ from there. The rest had to walk around the room and try to make as […]

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RESOLVED. Membership Services connectivity issue

| December 18, 2019

Following work this evening by our service provider, the Membership Services server is now available again. Our apologies for any inconvenience. ——————————— We’re sorry to report that we are having an issue connecting to our Membership Services server. A third party service provider are working on the issue right now, and we will let you […]

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RSGB Christmas opening times

| December 13, 2019

RSGB HQ will close for the Christmas and New Year period from 12 noon on 24 December 2019. It opens again at 8.30am on 2 January 2020. During that time, if you need information about amateur radio, exams or RadCom you’ll find lots of information on this website. Last UK orders from the RSGB Shop […]

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