Archive for March, 2019
David Anderson, GM4JJJ, 14th March 2019

David Anderson, GM4JJJ passed away on the 14th of March 2019 after a long battle with cancer. First licensed as GM8HEY, David was heavily involved in the pioneering work of George Burt, GM3OXX on long-distance contacts using 10GHz wideband FM/MCW. From his own station, GM4JJJ became a very active VHF-UHF DXer, making contacts as far […]
George Dobbs, G3RJV, SK
It is with great sadness that we learned this week of the death of George Dobbs, G3RJV, founder of the GQRP Club and well known for his writing in SPRAT, RadCom and Practical Wireless. An obituary for George will appear in the May 2019 edition of RadCom. Our thoughts are with his family and many […]
RSGB AGM online voting is open
Voting is open for the RSGB 2019 AGM that takes place on 27 April 2019 in Birmingham. Members will find the Resolutions and other details in the April issue of RadCom and at
Train the Trainers in Cambridgeshire
This event has unfortunately been cancelled There is a Train the Trainers course being organised and hosted by Huntingdon Amateur Radio Society for 30 March 2019 in Buckden, St Neots, Cambridgeshire. For more information or to reserve a place, contact the organiser, David Howlett, via email to
Also in GB2RS this week…
Keith Bird, G4JED, Regional Representative for Region 10, is looking to recruit a volunteer for the post of District Representative for the East Sussex area. The prime duties in this annual and renewable post will be to liaise with the clubs and individuals in that area. There are opportunities to assist others and develop your own […]
DR wanted in East Sussex
Keith Bird, G4JED, Regional Representative for Region 10, is looking to recruit a volunteer for the post of District Representative for the East Sussex area. The prime duties in this annual and renewable post will be to liaise with the clubs and individuals in that area. There are opportunities to assist others and develop your […]