Archive for 2018

News for Wales – 12 August 2018

| August 10, 2018

On Monday Llanelli Amateur Radio Society is having a DVD night, and next Saturday and Sunday it is putting on GB1BPL for International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend. Contact Steve Williams, MW6CCG, on 0787 849 4337. On Thursday Porthmadog and District Amateur Radio Society will not be holding a meeting. Enquiries to Peter, GW0DFK, on 0773 […]

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The new amateur radio syllabus

| August 10, 2018

For some years now the RSGB and affiliated clubs have been providing the route to gain an amateur radio licence. This involves not only setting the syllabus for the three licence levels but also ensuring the club volunteers are adequately trained in order to deliver the necessary preparation that aspiring radio hams need. The key […]

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Network Radio, September 2018

| August 8, 2018

These letters were received for publication in the September 2018 RadCom but pressure of space meant they could not be included in the printed edition. David Lees, G0PDL The reason Network Radio is worth a try is simply because it isn’t like anything else. If it was, it wouldn’t be so popular. The combination and […]

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New exams Syllabus

| August 3, 2018

Following its approval by the RSGB Board in July, we are pleased to announce that Syllabus 2019 will be released during the week commencing 13 August 2018. This will link with the publication of the first set of project communications in RadCom to give Members a fuller understanding of the milestones of the changeover. We […]

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YOTA 2018 under way soon

| August 3, 2018

This week sees the start of the 2018 Youth on the Air international event in South Africa, organised by the South African Amateur Radio League. The seven day programme runs from 8 to 15 August 2018 and involves around 80 young amateurs from around the world, including an RSGB-sponsored team of four from the UK. […]

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Access to 71MHz driving innovation

| August 3, 2018

UK amateurs continue to make remarkable progress with innovative technology in the experimental 71MHz band. The BATC forum reports contacts of reduced bandwidth digital amateur TV of between 59 and 87km, using the latest high efficiency video coding. This follows the initial short range contacts when simplified NoV access to 70.5-71.5 MHz was introduced by […]

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