Archive for 2018

YOTA 2018: Day 6

| August 25, 2018
YOTA 2018: Day 6

Today was our final day of activities and we started off the day going to Dinokeng Game Reserve. Yes, we were going on safari! Safari We got up at a more respectable time of around 7am, which compared to the balloon launch, was a long lie-in! Plus the weather was quite nice and nowhere near […]

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YOTA 2018: Day 5

| August 25, 2018
YOTA 2018: Day 5

Trips to local companies Our penultimate day of activities included two group outings, one to a local PCB manufacturer, Bosco. Their website can be found at: The second group went to a military company, GEW, which specialises in direction finding and radio jammers. Their website can be found at: Myself and Peter went […]

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YOTA 2018: Day 4

| August 25, 2018
YOTA 2018: Day 4

QSX Unveiling and Kit Building Today was one of the most rewarding days of the week. It was the grand revealing and build of Hans Summers’ new QSX kit, which is an amazing radio. We started off the day with an introduction into the radio and its specifications, which can be found at the following […]

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How training and education is supporting the RSGB’s Strategy

| August 24, 2018
How training and education is supporting the RSGB’s Strategy

The RSGB Training and Education Committee (TEC) is not a committee in the usual sense but is made up of several working groups that undertake projects. The work of these TEC members supports the RSGB Strategy 2022, particularly in the key priority areas of Growth, Participation and Membership. During this year TEC members have carried […]

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FT8 in UK and EU contests

| August 24, 2018

Recently, the RSGB Contest Committee has seen some FT8 QSOs being claimed within contest logs. At present it is difficult to complete a full contest exchange using FT8, although an EU contest compatible version is under development. A machine generated modes, or MGM-specific contest ran in April this year, with a set of rules structured […]

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Petition launched to save WWV

| August 24, 2018

US National Institute of Standards and Technology station WWV and sister transmitting stations are among the oldest radio stations in the United States, having been in continuous operation since May 1920. WWV has transmitted the official US Time for nearly 100 years. The US government has been planning to close the NIST Radio Stations WWV, […]

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