Archive for 2018

Growing and developing amateur radio

| September 12, 2018
Growing and developing amateur radio

The RSGB’s five-year strategy includes the strategic priority of Growth—grow and develop amateur radio. This is a very broad, all-encompassing statement which the majority of RSGB activities could fit within. I believe that to truly grow and develop amateur radio we need to fully embrace and support new ideas, promote the hobby at every opportunity, […]

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Brazil to get 60m and other new bands

| September 7, 2018

ANATEL, the Brazilian telecoms regulator, has produced an updated band plan, effective in a couple of months, which releases 60m to their amateurs. This is the WRC-15 secondary allocation 5351.5 to 5366.5kHz with 25W EIRP for Class A operators. In addition they have been granted another two new bands, 135kHz with 1 watt EIRP and […]

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South Africa YOTA report

| September 7, 2018

The September 2018 issue of the South African national society amateur radio magazine, Radio ZS, reports on the Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) event that was recently held in South Africa. You can read all about the proceedings by downloading the newsletter (84-page/9.2MB PDF) from the SARL website. The RSGB YOTA 2018 team posted its […]

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Exciting Buildathon opportunity

| September 7, 2018

A Buildathon is taking place at the National Hamfest in Newark on 28 and 29 September 2018. A place costs only £5, which is refunded as an RSGB book voucher if you complete the project on the day. As a bonus, the Hamfest organisers are offering free entry to those who book for the Buildathon, […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| September 7, 2018

A small team is representing the UK in South Korea for the ARDF World Championships. We’re pleased to report that John Marriott, M0OJM came third in the M70 Foxoring event. The RSGB National Radio Centre is an amazing resource for amateur radio. Last year it showed our hobby to 26,000 people. We have been raising […]

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Record numbers visiting NRC

| September 7, 2018

The RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC) is an amazing resource for amateur radio. Last year it showed our hobby to 26,000 people. We have been raising the profile of the NRC via social media, events, presentations, extra equipment, Bletchley Park signage, RadCom articles and extra opening days. As a result, visitor numbers are growing beyond […]

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