Archive for 2018

Propagation News – 14 October 2018

| October 12, 2018

Last week was not very good for HF propagation, with the effects of an enormous solar coronal hole, and its associated high-speed solar wind, sending the K-index soaring. There were, however, some upsides. The initial positive phase of a geomagnetic storm saw maximum useable frequencies rise to more than 21MHz during the afternoon and early […]

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News for England Midlands – 14 October 2018

| October 12, 2018

We start with news from clubs that have several events this week. Burton Amateur Radio Club has an open net on 145.575MHz this Sunday and next Sunday at 10am, and also on Thursday at 8pm. Wednesday sees their club night. Contact Rob, G6EIH on 0781 214 6333. Wythall Radio Club has a net this Sunday […]

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News for England North – 14 October 2018

| October 12, 2018

Now for news from clubs that have several events this week. Central Lancashire Amateur Radio Club has an FM top band net this Sunday and next Sunday on 1.940MHz from 11am. On Monday there’s a net on 70.425 to 70.475MHz FM at 9pm. Next Saturday sees an AM top band net on 1.940MHz from 11am. […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 14 October 2018

| October 12, 2018

Next Saturday Carrickfergus Amateur Radio Group has its rally at Downshire Secondary School, Downshire Road, Carrickfergus. Doors open at 11am and all are welcome. For more details, contact Liz, MI6GHA via email to

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News for Scotland – 14 October 2018

| October 12, 2018

We start with news from clubs that have several events this week. Stirling and District Amateur Radio Society has its regular club meetings this Sunday and next Sunday from 10am to 2pm, and on Thursday from 7 to 9pm, where licence tutoring is also available. Enquiries to Jess, MM3RCR via email to West of […]

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News for England South-East – 14 October 2018

| October 12, 2018

We start with news from clubs with several events this week. This Sunday and next Sunday, Hastings Electronics and Radio Club has a net on 144.575MHz from 11am. Contact Gordon, M3YXH on 01424 431 909. The Radio Society of Harrow has a net this Sunday and next Sunday at noon on 1938kHz LSB. On Monday […]

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