Archive for May, 2018

CQScotland free electronic kits

| May 11, 2018 will be providing free electronic kits for accompanied school-age children attending the Scottish Electronics and Radio Convention. It takes place at the Braehead Arena, Glasgow, on 20 May 2018. A dedicated construction area will be set up, and help will be on hand so children should leave with a fully working project. Alternatively, it […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| May 11, 2018

Next weekend is the Dayton Hamvention®. The RSGB QSL Bureau is attending, which will of course mean they are out of the office for some time. This, plus an expected influx of cards from Dayton will make them very busy afterwards. All Members, clubs and special event stations are asked to delay sending any other […]

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GB2RS News Script for 13 May 2018

| May 11, 2018

Please click the link below to download this week’s news script GB2RS News Script for 13 May 2018

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Rallies and Events News – 13 May 2018

| May 11, 2018

This Sunday, the 13th, the Lough Erne Amateur Radio Rally takes place at Share Centre, Lisnaskea, County Fermanagh BT92 0EQ. Access in NI is from the M1, A5 and A4, or via the M/N3 from the RoI. Doors open at 11.30am. Details from David, GI4VHO, on 0784 291 0076, or at Next Thursday the […]

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DX News – 13 May 2018

| May 11, 2018

Take, JG8NQJ/JD1 will be on the small Japanese atoll of Minami Torishima from mid-May to mid-August. This is Islands on the Air reference OC-073 and a separate DXCC entity. Chris, VK3QB, Brenton, VK3YB and Luke, VK3HJ will be active as VK9LI from Lord Howe Island, OC-004 until 18 May. They will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on 160 […]

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Special Event News – 13 May 2018

| May 11, 2018

Many stations are on the air for some or all of RNLI SOS month. Details of all registered stations are online at and there are free awards available for working or even just hearing them. This weekend is Mills on the Air and many special event stations are active. As mentioned last week, the […]

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