Archive for March, 2018

Special Event News – 25 March 2018

| March 23, 2018

From Monday, 26 March until Sunday, 8 April, Paul, MI1AIB will be operating GB8BKY and GB8EGT for this year’s RAFARS Airfields On The Air event. GB8BKY for the former RAF Ballykelly is from his home QTH, while GB8EGT, for the former RAF Eglinton, will be from his work QTH courtesy of City of Derry Airport. […]

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Contest News – 25 March 2018

| March 23, 2018

The CQWW WPX SSB contest ends its run at 2359UTC this Sunday, the 25th. Using SSB only on the 1.8 to 28MHz contest bands, the exchange is signal report and serial number. On Tuesday UKAC SHF contest takes place from 1830UTC to 2130UTC. Using all modes on the 2.3 to 10GHz bands, the exchange is […]

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Propagation News – 25 March 2018

| March 23, 2018

Last week was once again dominated by unsettled geomagnetic conditions, which didn’t help HF propagation. The K-index rose to five on Monday, the 19th, after a solar wind stream from a coronal hole, flowing faster than 550 kilometres per second, triggered a moderate G2 geomagnetic storm at higher latitudes. This can occur due to process […]

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News for England Midlands – 25 March 2018

| March 23, 2018

We start with news from clubs that have several events this week. Burton Amateur Radio Club has its net on 145.575MHz at 10am this Sunday and next Sunday. There’s a coffee morning on Tuesday at Dunelms cafe. On Wednesday there’s a shack night and Thursday sees a club net on 145.575MHz from 7.30pm. Details from […]

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News for England North – 25 March 2018

| March 23, 2018

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Denby Dale Radio Club has its net on GB3HD from 10.30am this Sunday and next Sunday. Wednesday sees the Foundation course. Details from Darran, G0BWB, on 0797 442 3227. Stockport Radio Society is having a skills night on Tuesday. On Wednesday there’s a net from […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 25 March 2018

| March 23, 2018

This Sunday sees the Causeway Coast Glens Amateur Radio Club Radio Rally at Bushmills Community Centre, 14 Dunluce Road BT57 8QG. There is on-site parking and on-site disabled parking. Doors open from 11am to 4pm, with disabled guests gaining access at 10.45am. Admittance is £3. Light refreshments will be available including tea, coffee, sausage rolls […]

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