Archive for 2017

YOTA 2017 is underway!

| August 7, 2017

Young radio amateurs from around the world have arrived and are enjoying the start of YOTA 2017 despite their long journeys. Two members of the German team cycled all the way – amazing stuff!

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A message from the RSGB President

| August 4, 2017

RSGB President Nick Henwood, G3RWF sends a greeting to all YOTA 2017 participants in our final vlog of the series.

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Want to see the kit that YOTA 2017 teams will be building?

| August 4, 2017

At YOTA 2017 the participants will be building amazing CW transceivers designed by Hans, G0UPL. The kit is packed with features and can be used after YOTA 2017 too. Take a look…

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ARISS contact for YOTA 2017

| August 4, 2017
ARISS contact for YOTA 2017

An International Space Station ARISS contact has been planned for astronaut Paolo Nespoli, IZ0JPA and the Youngsters on the Air event, which takes place at Gilwell Park this week. The ARISS contact is scheduled for Tuesday, 8 August 2017 at approximately 1838UTC. This will be a direct radio contact, operated by GB4YOTA, and downlink signals […]

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Update on vlog#13

| August 4, 2017

YOTA 2017 vlog#13 featured father-and-daughter-team Kevin, G0PEK and Lauren, M6HLR who will speak to YOTA teams during the week about their experiences on the UK hills and mountains. Following that, team members will build a portable antenna and take it up the nearest official summit, Wendover Woods, G/CE-005. Just this week, 12-year-old Lauren finished activating all 214 […]

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RSGB comments on Ofcom VDSL report

| August 4, 2017

Ofcom published a research report which RSGB contends came to the mistaken conclusion that no electromagnetic disturbance capable of causing harmful interference was found at three sites tested, all of which had reported interference from VDSL. The RSGB EMC Committee has analysed in detail the results obtained by Ofcom and converted them to standard units […]

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