Archive for 2017

RadCom Plus, Vol. 3, No. 1

| September 11, 2017
RadCom Plus, Vol. 3, No. 1

To read this edition, tap or click cover image Contents 4 Vertical phased arrays from compromised locations John Matthews, G3WZT wanted to improve his antennas for 80m when he decided to go US county chasing, but only on 80m CW 14 Simple APRS tracker Anthony Le Cren, F4GOH designed this little low-cost FM transmitting card […]

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YOTA 2017 and Strategy 2022

| September 11, 2017
YOTA 2017 and Strategy 2022

As I write this I am just back from YOTA 2017; a week of intense activity and, whilst I am exhausted, I am invigorated by the feedback that shows the event to have been a great success. The event was an excellent demonstration of our Strategy 2022 in action and it is worth looking at […]

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Keep hurricane frequencies clear

| September 8, 2017

Hurricane Irma is getting widespread news coverage and will affect many countries in the Caribbean. There are the usual American nets on 14.265 and 14.325MHz to gather information on the storm. Several other frequencies will be used and amateurs in IARU Region 1 are asked to please take steps to avoid interference with emergency operations. […]

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Report VDSL interference NOW

| September 8, 2017

The RSGB EMC Committee has been investigating VDSL broadband interference on the HF amateur bands for three years now. This has generated a lot of historic data. However, despite active lobbying, Ofcom and Openreach contend that the 150 or so reports from 50,000 amateurs do not indicate a major problem, when viewed from the perspective […]

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100kW IARU news bulletins

| September 8, 2017

From 16 to 22 September 2017, the IARU Region 1 Conference will take place in Germany. 130 delegates from the 96 member societies will discuss issues related to the amateur radio service. RADIO DARC will report current news on the conference in six daily special short wave transmissions. These will be made in partnership with […]

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Taking exams at RSGB Convention

| September 8, 2017

Discount rates are available for taking the UK amateur radio exams at the RSGB Convention on 14-15 October 2017. The Foundation and Intermediate, taken together on the 14th, are £45 instead of £60, while the Intermediate and Full exams on the 14th and 15th are £52 together instead of £70. For the adventurous and well-prepared, you can […]

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