Archive for 2017

Another convention lecture now online

| March 10, 2017

The talk Being the DX, QRP by Dominic Baines, M1KTA is the latest 2016 RSGB Convention lecture available for members to view via the new video portal at It joins Contesting from VY2ZM on Prince Edward Island by Jeff Briggs, VY2ZM; Developments in IOTA, update on electronic QSLing and the future by Roger Ballister, […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| March 10, 2017

The next episode of the UK’s only TV show dedicated to all things radio, TX Factor, is released on 17 March. Go to for details. TX Factor is sponsored by the RSGB and Martin Lynch & Sons. In amongst the item on Episode 15, Bob discovers the fun to be had remotely controlling his […]

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Rallies and Events News – 12 March 2017

| March 10, 2017

The Dover Radio Club Rally takes place Sunday, 12 March, at Whitfield Village Hall, Sandwich Road, Manley Close, Whitfield, near Dover CT163LY, Talk-in will be on GB3KS. Doors open from 10am to 2pm and entry is £2. The auction starts at 12.30pm. More details from Aaron, 2E0FQR on 0771 465 4267. Due to a clerical […]

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DX News – 12 March 2017

| March 10, 2017

S21GM and S21KW will be on the air from Bangladesh between 15 and the 27 March. Using the 160 to 10m bands, the team will operate CW, SSB and RTTY. The F6KOP expedition team will be in the Ivory Coast signing TU7C until 19 March. They will be active on all HF bands CW, SSB […]

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Special Events News – 12 March 2017

| March 10, 2017

The Beacon Museum, Whitehaven will host a variety of special events on Sunday, 12 March, to support the local charity of Samaritans of West Cumbria. In addition to the scheduled beacon exhibits on display, members of the RSGB will operate GB1SWC. As well as live tracking of the International Space Station and interactive demonstrations such […]

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Contest News – 12 March 2017

| March 10, 2017

The 80th Commonwealth Contest ends its 24 hour run at 1000UTC on Sunday the 12th. Using CW only on the 3.5 to 28MHz bands, the exchange is signal report and serial number. HQ stations also send HQ. On Sunday the 12th, the second 70MHz Cumulative contest takes place from 1000 to 1200UTC. Using all modes, […]

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