Archive for 2017

Philip Willis M0PHI RSGB Board Director

| May 15, 2017

To bring the Board to full strength, the meeting on 13 May unanimously endorsed the co-option of Philip Willis M0PHI as a Board Director.

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Why on earth does the RSGB need a Strategy?

| May 15, 2017
Why on earth does the RSGB need a Strategy?

Why don’t you just ‘get on with it’? This is a question that has been asked of Board members in the last few weeks since we published the Strategy. As the newly-elected Board Chair, let me try and answer the question. Every organisation needs a Strategy to know where it should focus its efforts and […]

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RSGB Strategy now online

| May 12, 2017

The RSGB’s new strategy for the next five years was launched at the 2017 AGM, following a detailed consultation with the Board, Regional Council, Committee Chairs, Honorary Officers and HQ staff, as well as the wider RSGB Membership and amateur radio community. You can read the synopsis and the strategy narrative on the RSGB website […]

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KH4 and KH7K back on DXCC list

| May 12, 2017

On 31 March this year, the DXCC desk announced the deletion of Midway Island and Kure Island from the DXCC entities list. After further review, the two entities, KH4 and KH7K, will return to the DXCC list as separate entities. See for full details

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Latest 5MHz Newsletter available

| May 12, 2017

The latest edition of The 5MHz Newsletter is now available for free pdf download from the RSGB 5MHz page, accessible via This bumper edition includes 14 new allocations, European 60m availability, 5MHz from a ‘postage-stamp’ garden, a report on the Blue Ham 2 exercise and beacon news.

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Also in GB2RS News this week…

| May 12, 2017

The International Amateur Radio Union has approved a proposal to admit a new representative of the radio amateurs of Belize to IARU membership. As of the 9th of May, the deadline for voting, 77 member-societies had voted in favour of admitting the Belize Amateur Radio Club, with none opposed. There were no abstentions. An affirmative […]

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