Archive for September, 2017

News for Wales – 10 September 2017

| September 8, 2017

On Monday Cleddau Amateur Radio Society is holding a barbecue. Contact Heinz, MW0ECY, on 0774 804 7008. On Thursday Aberystwyth and District Amateur Radio Society is having a buildathon at Waunfawr Hall with Simon, GW0NVN and Mike Jollands. Contact Ray, GW7AGG, on 01970 611 853. On Thursday North Wales Radio Society is discussing a technical […]

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Ralph Lee, G4GRV, January 2017

| September 7, 2017
Ralph Lee, G4GRV, January 2017

Ralph Lee, G4GRV, passed away in January 2017 aged 93. He was active – mostly on HF –  from when he passed his RAE in 1977, but on his retirement in the late 1980s other interests took over. Ralph encouraged me to take up the hobby, and I passed the RAE in 1978 thanks to […]

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Report VDSL interference NOW

| September 1, 2017

For three years the RSGB EMC Committee has been investigating the problems of interference from VDSL broadband on the HF amateur bands and lobbying for action to reduce the problem. It has a lot of historic data, but both Ofcom and Openreach contend that 150 reports from 50,000 amateurs are not indicative of a major […]

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ARDF team heads to Lithuania

| September 1, 2017

The RSGB Direction Finding team, which is entirely self-funded, is flying out to Lithuania this weekend for the 21st Region 1 ARDF Championships. There is a strong team in the M50 category, that is men aged from 50 to 59, with individuals competing in the M60 and M70 categories. Four separate competitions make up the […]

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Valve Workshop at Computing Museum

| September 1, 2017

A Valve Workshop will be held on the 14th of October at The National Museum of Computing, Bletchley Park MK3 6EB. If you have a basic knowledge of electronics and can read an electronic circuit diagram then they will show you how electronics started for its first 50 years. Find out about valve history, how […]

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ISS cross-band voice repeater

| September 1, 2017

The cross-band voice repeater aboard the International Space Station has been set up by the Russian team to help get telemetry from their satellites. Although some amateurs report communicating via the repeater, ARISS would like to remind amateurs that it has not officially been activated for amateur contacts. When the ARISS voice repeater is active […]

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