Archive for August, 2017
Survey to find the extent of VDSL Broadband Interference
The RSGB’s EMC Committee has for three years been investigating the problems of interference (RFI) from VDSL broadband on the HF amateur bands and lobbying for action to reduce the problem. We have a lot of historic data, but both Ofcom and Openreach contend that 150 reports from 50,000 amateurs is not indicative of a […]
Chair of the RSGB HF Contest Committee
The RSGB HF Contest Committee is responsible for deciding the HF contesting strategy, organising the HF contesting calendar, setting the rules and providing clarification of the rules to the contest adjudicators. This committee performs a key role in the enjoyment of amateur radio by many RSGB members. The position of Chair of the HF Contest […]
RadCom September 2017, Vol. 93, No. 9

THIS EDITION IS TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE ONLINE We apologise for any disappointment This edition is currently being converted to our HTML5 online viewer, which will bring enhanced readability, download speed and picture quality Bumper review special—FoxRex ARDF Rx, bhi ParaPro DSP, Towermate tilt plate reviewed—and much more Online edition Membership Services login required, follow the link […]
Abuse causes repeater shutdowns
The RSGB have been made aware that due to continuing and sustained repeater abuse, GB3DY at Wirksworth and GB3EE at Chesterfield have been required by Ofcom to close down for 14 days. The RSGB’s Amateur Radio Observation Service and the Emerging Technology Coordination Committee are working to formalise an agreed process for dealing with unfortunate […]
UKAC Scoring vote result announced
The results of the vote on changes to UKAC scoring arrangements have been announced. 77% were in favour of the Nordic method, where the first contact with every new square attracts a bonus of 500 points. The B3 method, a variant of the current scheme with reduced overall bonus scores and some additional high bonus […]
Train the Trainers in West Dumbartonshire
Lomond Radio Club is hosting a Train the Trainers day on the 2nd of September at their radio shack in Renton, West Dunbartonshire. The RSGB will be providing instructors to inform volunteer trainers on the latest methods of presentation and updates on the many changes that are occurring in the hobby. The course is designed […]