Archive for June, 2017
News for England South-West – 11 June 2017
We start with clubs that have several events this week. Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society has the HF and VHF shacks open today, with newcomers welcome. Next Sunday sees a talk on how to homebrew beer. Contact John, G4POF, on 0758 250. Poole Radio Society is taking part in the Practical Wireless 144MHz QRP Contest […]
News for Wales – 11 June 2017
On Thursday Aberkenfig Radio Club is meeting at 7.30pm. Details from Ian, 2W0ITT, on 01639 617 439. On Thursday North Wales Radio Society is having a surplus equipment sale. Contact Liz Cabban, GW0ETU, on 0776 019 0355.
ARRL Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur

ARRL Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur This book is not intended as a guide to setting up a station in the UK or Europe and some solutions are not compliant with UK/European electrical regulations and thereby may be illegal or deemed dangerous in these areas. To help clarify the differences John Woodhouse, G6GPF […]
VHF Contesting Update
A briefing note from the UKAC workshop on 3 June is now available (3-page/94KB PDF). It describes what was discussed and the workshop group’s unanimous proposals for the further development of these successful contests.
RadCom June 2017, Vol. 93, No. 6

THIS EDITION IS TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE ONLINE We apologise for any disappointment This edition is currently being converted to our HTML5 online viewer, which will bring enhanced readability, download speed and picture quality C6APY DXpedition—testing WSPRlite in the field. News and Reports AGM presentations 22 Around Your Region – Club events calendar 83 Around Your Region […]
Aeronautical Mobile circumnavigation begins
On the 1st of June Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN left from Miami to recreate Amelia Earhart’s around-the-world flight on its 80th anniversary. He will be using HF SSB and automatic link establishment, ALE, from his single-engine plane named Spirit. He is communicating /AM while flying. The two month flight will follow Earhart’s historic route to circumnavigate […]